Hi, I'm Kai

my face

This my personal site. I use it to showcase my portfolio work and other random things I've created.

I've always been in love with programming and at the moment my focus lies in web development. I've worked with both front-end and backend technologies (although mostly front-end) and I'm constantly looking to improve and expand my skills.

Some quick facts about me:

Change Log
    • Added change log (the one you’re looking at)
    • Added the videos gallery
    • Added videos:
      • cat walk 2
      • cat walk
      • you aren't welcome to cheeseman's party
      • horny jail
      • le necromancer
      • lost in space
      • sexydancejams
      • small man-cat tells us a sad story

Featured Projects

These are projects that I'm particularly proud of. Some may be demos for learning purposes, others are real published apps! You can also view the rest of my projects including full writeups.